Privacy Policy

As Bitcr, a Google product that uses Blogger, we respect your personal privacy rights and make maximum effort with Google to provide it during your time on our site. Some important explanations about the security of your personal information are described below and provided for your information.

Routine Information Collection

All websites record simple information about their visitors. This information recorded for statistical purposes; Your IP address is standard information, such as your Internet service provider, browser features, your operating system, and your login and output pages. This information does not personally place any visitor in the position of certain individuals, but is recorded to perform routine management and maintenance.

Cookies and Web Beacons

Some of the applications used in Bitcr store user settings and web history information using cookies in order to provide user specific content when needed and / or provide better service to the user.

Advertising partners and third-party applications can also store user information through cookies, web beacons, or scripts to provide useful information and show ads. In this case, ad services and third-party applications store user information on their servers and their privacy policies apply.

If you have doubts about the collection of user information, please be advised that you have the option to disable cookies from the browser settings.

External Links

Bitcr links to different internet addresses from its pages. Bitcr is not responsible for the contents or confidentiality principles of the sites it provides links to, banner advertisements.
Privacy Policy Privacy Policy Reviewed by ERP Man on June 01, 2019 Rating: 5
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